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NADRA Rejects False Claims of Removing Azad Jammu and Kashmir Entry from the ID Cards

Recent claims circulating on social media suggest that the National Database & Registration Authority @NadraPak has removed the “Azad Jammu and Kashmir” entry from the identity cards of AJK citizens. However, NADRA has clarified that these claims are baseless.

According to NADRA, the entry “Resident of AJK State” is included on identity cards in accordance with existing policy, provided that applicants submit a valid State Subject Certificate (Class 1, 2, or 3) issued by the AJK government. NADRA stated that over 50,000 identity cards issued between December 2024 and January 2025 included this entry, proving that there has been no change in policy.

NADRA attributed the possible reasons for the entry not being included in some applications to the applicants’ failure to submit the required certificate or data entry errors. In cases where the certificate was submitted but the entry was not included due to data entry errors, NADRA contacted the applicants and corrected their cards.

NADRA urged the public not to believe baseless information circulating on social media and to contact their helpline or visit their website for any clarifications.