On 3rd of December at 11:42 p.m., a video was shared on an X account, allegedly showing former Prime Minister @ImranKhanPTI dancing with two women and kissing them. The video was shared by a user named @DrSyeda_Sadaf had a watermark with her name, implying that she was the sole owner of the video. However, upon closer inspection by the fake news watchdog videos forensic team, it was revealed that the video was created using deep fake technology and was part of a propaganda campaign to tarnish Imran Khan’s reputation.
The video was viewed over 82,500 times and shared by approximately 700 users, with 984 users liking the video. Despite the video’s widespread circulation, the @PTIofficial has not issued a clear response to the video.
It’s worth noting that the spread of misinformation and deep fake content is a significant concern in Pakistan, where many people lack awareness about these issues. This lack of awareness makes it challenging for users to distinguish between genuine and fake content.