A viral image circulating on social media claims to show the jail conditions of former Prime Minister @ImranKhanPTI and @MaryamNSharif , with Khan’s jail cell depicted as small and simple, while Nawaz’s is shown as a luxurious room with amenities like a double bed, carpet, curtains, and more. However, investigations have revealed that the image is fake and actually shows the Sihala Rest House, a government residence not specific to jails. Maryam Nawaz was sentenced to 7 years in prison in the Avenfield Reference case on July 6, 2018, but she was in London at the time. When she returned to Pakistan on July 13, 2018, she and Nawaz Sharif were arrested at Lahore Airport and transferred to Adiala Jail. She was kept in the women’s cell, and credible media reports stated that the decision to transfer her to Sihala Rest House was postponed due to security concerns. She was imprisoned until September 19, 2018, when the Islamabad High Court suspended her sentence and ordered her release. The claim is based on a fake image attributed to Maryam Nawaz’s jail cell, which is entirely false.