A letter circulating on social media claims that the @uaeembassyisb requested the Pakistani government to take action against an X account for posting derogatory content about UAE President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan’s visit to Pakistan on January 5, 2025. The account, @jokkeerrr2 , allegedly shared a manipulated image of the UAE President shaking hands with Punjab Chief Minister @MaryamNSharif The letter also accuses the account of being linked to @salmanAraja , Secretary-General of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). However, investigations reveal that both the letter and the Twitter post are fake. The serial number (7/8/6-1334) on the letter was actually taken from an old UAE Embassy press release dated July 14, 2021, which was already published on various media channels. The UAE Embassy in Islamabad confirmed that neither the letter was issued by them nor was any such letter received by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Fake Letter and Twitter Post Sparks Controversy
- Post published:January 13, 2025